Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 122 Installation Guidelines: WMP-RETRO Disclaimer: Repair Any Damage to Building Before Installing Check Local Codes The following is provided as a general guideline of an appropriate method of resurfacing and re-covering dam- aged faced insulation in a metal building. It is not intended for, nor is it suitable for, all instances where metal building insulation facing is to be applied as a resurfacing or re-covering of damaged insulation facing. Such an application should only be done after any damaged or missing insulation is repaired or replaced and any building envelope issues, including infiltration of water, are addressed. The installer should always read and follow the manufacturer’s written guideline for the application of the product, abide by all applicable building codes and all industry and government safety rules when engaging in any construction activity, including resurfacing or re-cov- ering damaged facing insulation in a metal building. Before any interior renovation can take place, the roof and walls of the structure must be evaluated to ensure that the exterior cladding is weather tight and that all leaks and any damaged components are replaced or repaired. It is also extremely important that any condensation issues are addressed and corrective action taken to ensure that building HVAC systems are operating properly. The local building officials or jurisdictions must be contacted to determine if permits or submittal paperwork is required prior to commencing any modifications to the building under consideration.